About the project

Open Summer of Codes wants to compose the most successful team each year, osoc uses a self-made selection tool. This has worked fine until now, but there have been a few things missing.

Osoc tries to make sure they have diverse teams. That is why during a period of 4 weeks team Sherlock, consisting of :

We named ourself team Sherlock, dived into the research, worked together to improve the tool. The goal was a selection tool where recruiters have the opportunity to collaborate in real-time, find the best candidates and match them to the preferred team, resulting in more diverse and innovative teams. Our demo day pitch video can be found here.

If you want to contribute on our project, feel free to visit our github-repo.

Features / Improvements

Combining our strengths, we improved these factors in the tool:


Using a form-provider to collect data from applicants, we ask them a lot of usefull information. All this information is very valuable to create teams.

Knowing all this, we made sure there were no leaks and removed or re-formed questions which could be in conflict with GDPR.


Diversity isn't just a goal to achieve when you have a business. We looked into each facet of diversity, had meetings with fellow osoc-students & professionals who know the pitfalls and must-haves when you look into diversity.


Everybody wants to be inclusive, this builds on top of diversity. Having an open mind for people around you and understanding where others would be left out because of decisions you make as a business.

Application form

Combining GDPR, diversity & inclusivity, we made changes to the application-form. Below are a few examples

question 1
question 2
question 3
question 4

User experience

After sending out a questionnaire to the coaches (users), we went through the feedback & filtered out new improvements or features.

feature 1
feature 2
feature 3

Easier data management

The project was build utilising firebase for data-management, however this isn't ideal for querying data. That's why we created a new PostgreSQL-database, querying it with GraphQL makes it more adjustable and customizable.

data 1
Original Firebase
data 2
New PostgreSQL database


We switched to the form-provider Typeform, which makes it possible to use a webhook that automatically adds new applicant-data in our database. This also allows no leaks on data-transfer.

Pitch Demo Day

If you are interested in our final pitch on the demo-day, feel free to re-watch it below:

Team Sherlock


  • picture of Jeroen Jeroen Dewelde Front-end developer
  • picture of Tischa Tischa Nyanguile Back-end developer
  • picture of Merline Merline Coppieters Researcher, Innovation manager, Business modeling, communications, Facilitator


  • picture of Miet Miet Claes Coach / Coordinator